
Project Apollo Archives

leerspace opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Latest Archive: /ipfs/QmSnuWmxptJZdLJpKRarxBMS2Ju2oANVrgbr2xWbie9b2D
Latest Frontend: /ipfs/QmSnuWmxptJZdLJpKRarxBMS2Ju2oANVrgbr2xWbie9b2D/frontend/frontend.html

Original post:
The Project Apollo Archives are a trove of historical Apollo images.

Given that they are NASA imagery they're in the public domain. I've created an archive of the Project Apollo Archive's flickr albums and a simple frontend slideshow for browsing the archive.

The IPFS archive also contains python scripts for updating it, but a flickr API key and secret need to be set before running it.

Archive: /ipfs/QmaPaJ6ZNoqYMKRfJ2z1p7raqoSig74npk2DECaUfHocrG
Frontend: /ipfs/QmaPaJ6ZNoqYMKRfJ2z1p7raqoSig74npk2DECaUfHocrG/frontend/

Note: the archive is roughly 58 GB.

I am currently pinning this archive. Going kinda slow, but should be done in less than a day


If anyone wants to work on a more sophisticated front end for this excellent set of images, that would be cool!

As the one who slapped together the current frontend just so it had something, I wholeheartedly agree that a more sophisticated frontend would be a welcome improvement. The current one is more a proof of concept than a good way to efficiently browse the collection.

While working on a new frontend I noticed that there are 4 images with originals that flickr seems to have corrupted, which is weird since it has the lower quality versions. I'm reaching out to whoever manages the flickr page to see if they can re-upload the original files.


The maintainer of the Project Apollo Archive has re-uploaded the 4 corrupted/missing original files and I rebuilt/updated the archive in IPFS. I've updated the first post with the hashes for the new archive and frontend.

Main frontend improvements:

  • you can now actually browse albums in a gallery-type view
  • thumbnails are used to improve frontend performance
  • my poor DIY image viewer is out and photoswipe is in

I'm trying to download this latest hash (QmSnuWmxptJZdLJpKRarxBMS2Ju2oANVrgbr2xWbie9b2D), but I'm getting stuck at 99.91%. Curiously, ipfs bitswap wantlist doesn't return anything, so I'm not sure why the download isn't finishing. I assume your node is still online since I was able to get this far, but can you confirm?

I confirmed that my main node is online, but I restarted the daemon just to be sure. I also have a secondary node on the same local network that was able to pin that hash last night, and I restarted the daemon on that too.

My daily snapshot backups are running right now so I'm not sure if those could be interfering. They usually finish by 15:00 GMT at the latest, so they should be finishing any time.

ok, previous problem was related to a machine misconfiguration on my end. sorry for the false alarm. this new version has also been pinned :)

this is so cool!

@leerspace @eminence are your seeds still up? My ipfs refs -r is stuck after QmYSkrHHLfZQ4mYzRUExPpjjj5g9YJ42RU51jaeFcFRynu.

I just booted up my node again, so this should be available now.

Thanks so much, it just continued fetching stuff a minute ago ๐Ÿ‘