
Release 0.24.1

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Verify your GPG signature is configured in local git and GitHub
  • Ensure Boxo and Kubo are checked out on your system
  • Create a release branch called release-vX.Y.Z and push it
    • Use master as base if Z == 0
    • Use release as base if Z > 0
  • Tidy the changelog and push any changelog changes to release-vX.Y.Z
  • Create a draft PR merging release-vX.Y.Z into release
    • Name it "Release vX.Y.Z"
    • Reference this release issue
  • If Z > 0, then cherry-pick the necessary commits from master into release-vX.Y.Z using git cherry-pick -x <commit>
  • Ensure Boxo tests are passing
  • Ensure Kubo tests are passing
    • Go to Kubo dir and run go get github.com/ipfs/boxo@<commit_hash> using the commit hash of the release-vX.Y.Z branch
    • Run make mod_tidy in repo root (to apply go mod tidy to code, tests, and examples)
    • Commit the changes and open a draft PR in Kubo
    • Name the PR "Upgrade to Boxo vX.Y.Z"
    • Paste a link to the Kubo PR in the Boxo PR, so reviewers can verify the Kubo test run
    • Verify the CI passes
  • Add a commit in release-vX.Y.Z bumping the version in version.json to vX.Y.Z
  • Add a "release" label to the Boxo PR
  • After the release checker creates a draft release, copy-paste the changelog into the draft
  • Wait for approval from another Boxo maintainer
  • Merge the PR into release, using "Create a Merge Commit", and do not delete the release-vX.Y.X branch
    • Verify the tag is created
  • Announce the release
    • Click this link to start a new Discourse topic
      • Update vX.Y.Z in the title and body
      • Create the topic
  • Create a PR merging release into main
    • Name it "Merge release vX.Y.Z"
    • Wait for approval
    • Merge it using "Create a Merge Commit", and do not delete the release branch
  • Update the Kubo PR to use the newly released version, mark it as "Ready for Review", get approval, and merge into Kubo
