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Isn't the idea of a database orthogonal to ipfs ?
Just like file storage and block storage are different beasts ?

It's great that the interface is meant to be implemented by other true databases, but that will not map to ipfs nodes easily. Are there any data store implementations that do ? Have not found anyike badger / boltdb using this yet.

What about using a newer approach where graphql is used. This maps easily to a filesystem on top of ipfs.
It's also flexible in that you don't need to define query syntax. Everything is just a mapping of namespaces to resolvers and the resolvers do whatever they need on top of ipfs.

This then sets up for very simple cqrs and more importantly materialised views. This gets you OLTP & OLAP in one system and ipfs seems to be a great match since then you essentially have a parametric system. Change a file in x namespace and dependent namespace objects automatically update. Like a spreadsheet.

Am not trying to be annoying but I want to built stuff on top of ipfs with the community and so Brainstorming ideas Here to push it along.

I understand there is a pubsub coming along with mixers etc but wondering if any though has gone into the choreography that is the key part of the control plane ?