
HTTP Gateway Validator

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lidel commented

AKA checksuming payload as it arrives from untrusted gateway
and checking if it match expected CID


See Verifiable HTTP Gateway Responses at ipfs/in-web-browsers#128


  • research if/how we could calculate checksum as data arrives
  • research how we resolve CID of resources under a path and get insight into DAG structure
    • A: additional lookup via local js-ipfs used only for that or fallback on http://ipfs.io/api/v0/
    • B: additional HTTP headers with required metadata
  • research and design UX for indicating the payload is verified
  • implement streaming validator that drops connection if payload does not match expected digest

Related Resources

  • Prior art from Cloudflare: https://github.com/cloudflare/ipfs-ext/
    • it also has DNSSEC validator, but that should be a separate topic
    • limitation: only SHA-256 is supported in CIDs
  • If browser is able to verify CID digest, it will be possible to define public, untrusted gateway as the backend without need for trusting it returns valid data
  • Reproducible File Imports | ipld/legacy-unixfs-v2#15