
Timeout fetching dependencies

Closed this issue · 12 comments

I am unable to build with make install. It seems to time out fetching the dependencies. I am new to IPFS, so it's possible of course that the fault may lie in another component.

bin/gx-v0.11.0 --verbose install --global
installing package: ipget-0.2.5
  - Qmdk8Ea9GkbwHr7UNKVYaLRwwHSt69xBXuSvRVyNWZ9sZE not found locally, fetching into /home/iain/programming/gopath/src/gx/ipfs/Qmdk8Ea9GkbwHr7UNKVYaLRwwHSt69xBXuSvRVyNWZ9sZE
  - fetching Qmdk8Ea9GkbwHr7UNKVYaLRwwHSt69xBXuSvRVyNWZ9sZE via ipfs api
  - fetch finished in 1.063073511s
  - fetch Qmdk8Ea9GkbwHr7UNKVYaLRwwHSt69xBXuSvRVyNWZ9sZE complete!
[1 / 1] fetched dep: fallback-ipfs-shell
successfully found all deps for ipget
  - ipget depends on fallback-ipfs-shell (Qmdk8Ea9GkbwHr7UNKVYaLRwwHSt69xBXuSvRVyNWZ9sZE)
installing package: fallback-ipfs-shell-3.2.4
  - QmSWLfmj5frN9xVLMMN846dMDriy5wN5jeghUm7aTW3DAG not found locally, fetching into /home/iain/programming/gopath/src/gx/ipfs/QmSWLfmj5frN9xVLMMN846dMDriy5wN5jeghUm7aTW3DAG
  - QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL not found locally, fetching into /home/iain/programming/gopath/src/gx/ipfs/QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL
  - fetching QmSWLfmj5frN9xVLMMN846dMDriy5wN5jeghUm7aTW3DAG via ipfs api
  - fetching QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL via ipfs api
  - QmdidTt1eZtEAn1Qv1rF9kHPusm57RkfNnsZsrQndsm8TT not found locally, fetching into /home/iain/programming/gopath/src/gx/ipfs/QmdidTt1eZtEAn1Qv1rF9kHPusm57RkfNnsZsrQndsm8TT
  - fetching QmdidTt1eZtEAn1Qv1rF9kHPusm57RkfNnsZsrQndsm8TT via ipfs api
  - fetch finished in 435.753791ms
  - fetch QmSWLfmj5frN9xVLMMN846dMDriy5wN5jeghUm7aTW3DAG complete!
[1 / 3] fetched dep: go-multiaddr
  - fetch finished in 521.122854ms
  - fetch QmdidTt1eZtEAn1Qv1rF9kHPusm57RkfNnsZsrQndsm8TT complete!
[2 / 3] fetched dep: go-ipfs-api
ERROR: from shell.Get(): Post http://v04x.ipfs.io/api/v0/get?arg=QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL&encoding=json&stream-channels=true: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
retrying fetch QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL after a second...

Someone forgot to pin QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL

djdv commented

This is a big deal, it's (still) impossible to build this tool.

This project needs a maintainer! (This was once me, but I don't follow IPFS very closely these days.)

lidel commented

Tracked missing dependency: ipget → fallback-ipfs-shell → ipfs-embedded-shell

@whyrusleeping any chance you got ipfs-embedded-shell v0.1.0 stashed on offline node somewhere?
If not, can you re-release it as v0.1.1?

Doesnt look like I have it pinned. Let me see if i can recreate it

@lidel heres the new hash: QmcbLLZJa9oXnYTZWfS4T16n8B2mHFZkAzkKBNdGVzgG8g

lidel commented

Thanks! @noffle do you mind adding me as a collaborator to https://github.com/noffle/fallback-ipfs-shell ?
To finalize fix we need to bump deps there and make a new release.

@lidel done! thanks y'all for taking such quick awesome action ❤️

djdv commented

I don't know where else to comment on this, but would it be worth hosting source releases on dist.ipfs.io? They could have gx deps vendored already or something like that.

Edit: also I revived QmQ1TuGrcSXjsGXEhdWPJTyfkrgMHCu2pcENRxgHQQ59wL but it still won't build because of the floodsub conflict.

@djdv we do pin all the dependencies on the same infrastructure as dist.ipfs.io. If anything isnt accessible, then it should be brought to our attention so we can pin it there.

djdv commented

Sorry, I meant like a tar style archive, something that contains the source in a state where building is basically guaranteed. In this case a release that had all the dependencies vendored in a way that allowed you to basically reproduce the release binary of the same version, if that makes sense.

Oh yeah, thats a great idea. We should add that as a step to our distibutions build script.