
Usage as a library

Closed this issue · 5 comments



I want to use ipget to make our users lives easier-- or IPFS.

Some things:

  • We should introduce as few dependencies as possible
  • I don't want to write ipfs configuration to disk
  • I don't want to think about "ipfs node"
  • I do want to grab genesis state-- and possibly later the full state of the chain -- from IPFS, to reduce our launch steps to
osmosisd start


osmosisd init
wget -O ~/.osmosisd/genesisstate genisis
osmosisd start

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Hey, so I hope to use this like

package main

// make a single-package import
import github.com/ipfs/ipget/get

genesis := "QmXRvBT3hgoXwwPqbK6a2sXUuArGM8wPyo1ybskyyUwUxs"

get(genesis, path)

Going to make the needed changes in a fork, is this a PR you folks would accept?

Here's what I am thinking:

remove other code from my fork
Include an example app in my fork
Rename the whole thing "get"




it's nothing much but will do the trick if looking to download CID's from go.