
Remove Chocolatey releases

galargh opened this issue ยท 4 comments


  • My issue is specific & actionable.
  • I am not suggesting a protocol enhancement.
  • I have searched on the issue tracker for my issue.


Similarly to #8688, let's consider removing Kubo from Chocolatey: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/go-ipfs

lidel commented

I think it would be nice to nudge people away from removed distribution channels, so they are not stuck on old versions.

My vote is to create a binary that exits with error code 1 and prints a message that informs the user to use official binaries from https://dist.ipfs.tech#kubo (or https://hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/kubo/).
It would be then published to chocolatey, snap (#8688) and any other place we want to shut down.

I agree that creating such a binary provides a much better UX. With the creds you gave me I should be able to do that for snap now and I plan to use creds set up in https://github.com/ipfs/choco-go-ipfs to do the same for chocolatey.

Here's the plan for completing this issues:

Here's the proposed deprecation text:

Kubo is not distributed through Chocolatey anymore (https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/9341).
Please download Kubo from https://dist.ipfs.tech/#kubo.

Kubo is no longer distributed through Chocolatey.