bug: infinite redirect
SgtPooki opened this issue · 3 comments
on first-hit:
https://inbrowser.dev/ipfs/bafkqabtimvwgy3yk // "hello" inline CID
Did some digging, was able to gather some useful info if network speed is throttled to 3G.
Opening https://inbrowser.dev/?helia-sw=/ipns/docs.ipfs.tech redirects (via JS?) to https://inbrowser.dev/ipns/docs.ipfs.tech which returns HTTP 302 to ?helia-sw=/ipns/docs.ipfs.tech
and that creates infinite loop.
Need to confirm if this happends on localhost. If not, then it is specific to Cloudflare migration.
I believe it was a race condition with the server redirects & the js code that redirects. fixed by #215, and confirmed via "local inbrowser.tld" in e2e tests.
confirmed infinite redirect is resolved on inbrowser.dev with the deployment from https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/service-worker-gateway/actions/runs/8805218177