
TLS certificate

gellenburg opened this issue · 4 comments

This needs to be TLS (SSL)/ HTTPS. At the very least, set up a self-signed cert on your server and get a CloudFlare account with SSL. All generated URLs should be https URLs too to avoid potentially breaking any site that the images are embedded in.

You can always go via the public gateway setup by the people behind IPFS.
So if your image hash is QmW3FgNGeD46kHEryFUw1ftEUqRw254WkKxYeKaouz7DJA, you'll load the image by including <img src="https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmW3FgNGeD46kHEryFUw1ftEUqRw254WkKxYeKaouz7DJA"/>

Free https :)

Which would be fine if the embed and linking instructions linked to https://ipfs.io/ipfs/ instead of http://ipfs.pics/


@victorbjelkholm I feel like it would be leeching bandwith from a community resource. I think I will go with standard SSL, maybe with a free certificate or with Cloudflare.

I will work on this right after fixing #10 and #12.

We went with a standard paid certificate. Everything should work fine now under https and I will close this issue in a day or two if we don't find any problem.