
SyRIP MPJPE results

diegosancarmen opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello again!

I was running the provided evaluation script for the SyRIP dataset and this is the output:

(ZeDO) [diegosancarmen@node01 ZeDO-Release]$ python -m run.opt_main_infant  --config configs/subvp/concat_pose_optimization_syrip.py --ckpt_dir models/ZeDO-infant/syrip --ckpt_name ZeDO-i_aug.pth --gt --hypo 1
Class H36MDataset(train): sample dataset every 1 frame
Class H36MDataset(test): sample dataset every 1 frame
loading model from models/ZeDO-infant/syrip
=> loaded checkpoint 'models/ZeDO-infant/syrip/ZeDO-i_aug.pth' (step 4501)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:05<00:00,  5.66s/it]
eval multi-hypothesis...
mean MPJPE error: 0.04511307552456856

This MPJPE error is much lower than I expected; I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me to identify what I could be doing wrong when running the code.

Thank you!

The MPJPE results are shown in meters. So, 0.04511 should be 45.11mm in MPJPE, which is the same as we reported in the paper.