
For the pandas tutorial at PyData Seattle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCriSKVV_8

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pandas .head() to .tail()


Video Recording

Should I Attend?

I'm targeting an experience level somewhere between novice and intermediate. Hopefully you're familiar with the IPython notebook, and have heard of pandas. If not, don't worry. The first two notebooks (~20 minutes) are for people who may be entirely new to NumPy and pandas.

If you're more experienced, the first 30-40 minutes of the talk will likely be a review for you. After that we'll get into some more advanced topics.


First clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/tomaugspurger/pydataseattle
cd pydataseattle

If that fails, try the zip. It will probably be best to do a git pull just before the tutorial starts.


Make sure that you're in the pydataseattle folder.

With conda:

conda update --all
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate sea  # or activate sea on Windows
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install simplejson
pip install vincent

With pip / virtualenv:

$ [sudo] pip install virtualenv  # try without sudo first
$ virtualenv --python=`which python3` sea
$ source sea/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Verify your installation with

python check_environment.py


I have no idea if this is useful, but we have a chat room for the tutorial. If you have them, you can log in with your GitHub credentials.

Speak up in there with installation problems / questions / random gifs if you find that more convenient.


  • [Basics](notebooks/1. Basics.ipynb)
  • [Operations](notebooks/2. Operations.ipynb)
  • [Indexing](notebooks/3. Indexing.ipynb)
  • [Groupby](notebooks/4. Groupby.ipynb)
  • [Tidy Data](5. Tidy Data.ipynb)
  • [For Stats & ML](6. For Stats & ML.ipynb)