
EPG does not comply with node.js version 22

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Trying to install EPG in docker with
Ubuntu 22.04 and
node.js v22 but fails with

[15/15] RUN npm install:
10.32 npm error code 1
10.32 npm error path /iptv/epg/node_modules/libxmljs2
10.32 npm error command failed
10.32 npm error command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build --loglevel http
10.32 npm error make: Entering directory '/iptv/epg/node_modules/libxmljs2/build'
10.32 npm error CXX(target) Release/obj.target/xmljs/src/libxmljs.o
10.32 npm error make: Leaving directory '/iptv/epg/node_modules/libxmljs2/build'

BUT node.js v21 installs alright with few warnings only...

Hence, node.js v22 is yet to be tested?

All the best.

You can workaround this issue by installing latest version of libxmljs2 (0.35.0).

npm install libxmljs2@latest
npm update