
Plugin does no longer work?

Opened this issue · 3 comments


  • Application version: 1.2.22 on all-inkl.com
  • PHP version: 7.4.28
  • PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
  • HTTP Client: cURL
  • OS version: Linux 4.15.0-177-generic
  • Database driver: mysql
  • Database version: 5.7.37-nmm1-log
  • Plugins: Wiki, ProjectInvitation, MarkdownPlus
  • Browser: **SeaMonkey **(Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0)
  1. I added folder "KanboardSearchPlugin" to Plugins Folder using FTP
  2. Opened a Project with several Tasks in Board view
  3. Typed a search string "status:open e"and proceeded search
    » Expected: several Tasks with an "e" somewhere remaining (so it was before adding "KanboardSearchPlugin")
    » Actual: All swimlanes shown empty 😥

My mistake or really malfunction?

I can confirm :(

We have a production install with Kanboard Application 1.2.12 with a working KanboardSearchPlugin.

Today, i installed the new version 1.2.22 and neither get results for the title nor for searchwords contained in the description of a task.

I tried with 1.2.19 and 1.2.13 with the same result. So far i suspect that something changed with 1.2.13.

Additional info:

  • i tried again with a new install of version 1.2.12 - search with the Plugin shows no results
  • then i suspected that it could be because of PHP 7.4 - so i set up a server with PHP 7.1 (which is the version of our environment with the working search plugin), same result: the KanboardSearchPlugin shows no results

i think i have run out of ideas

I uninstalled and newly installed Plugin (simply removed and uploaded using FileZilla).

Now it mostly works and sometimes does not. No pattern found until now.