
Lexer and parser combinators in Chicken Scheme

Primary LanguageSchemeGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Lexer and parser combinators in Chicken Scheme


lexgen is a lexer generator comprised in its core of only five small procedures that can be combined to form pattern matchers.

A pattern matcher procedure takes an input stream, and returns a new stream advanced by the pattern.

A stream is defined as a list that contains a list of characters consumed by the pattern matcher, and a list of characters not yet consumed. E.g., the list

((#\a) (#\b #\c #\d #\e))

represents a stream that contains the consumed character a, and the unconsumed characters b c d e.

A pattern matcher has the form of a procedure that takes a success continuation, which is invoked when the pattern matches and the stream is advanced, an error continuation, which is invoked when the pattern does not match, and an input stream.

Library Procedures

Every combinator procedure in this library returns a procedure that takes in a success continuation, error continuation and input stream as arguments.

Basic procedures

<procedure>(seq MATCHER1 MATCHER2) => MATCHER</procedure>

seq builds a matcher that matches a sequence of patterns.


bar matches either of two patterns. It's analogous to patterns separated by | in traditional regular expressions.


star is an implementation of the Kleene closure. It is analogous to * in traditional regular expressions.

Token procedure


Procedure tok builds pattern matchers based on character comparison operations. It is intended for matching input sequences that are SRFI-127 lazy streams.

For each stream given, tok applies the procedure PROC to the given token TOKEN and an input character. If the procedure returns a true value, that value is prepended to the list of consumed elements, and the input character is removed from the stream of input elements.

(char CHAR) => MATCHER

Matches a single character.


Matches any of a SRFI-14 set of characters.


Matches a range of characters. Analogous to character class [].


Matches a literal string s.

Convenience procedures

These procedures are built from the basic procedures and are provided for convenience.

(try PROC) => PROC

Converts a binary predicate procedure to a binary procedure that returns its right argument when the predicate is true, and false otherwise.


Constructs a matcher for the sequence of matchers in MATCHER-LIST.

(pass) => MATCHER

This matcher returns without consuming any input.


Positive closure. Analogous to +.


Optional pattern. Analogous to ?.

(bind F P) => MATCHER

Given a rule P and function F, returns a matcher that first applies P to the input stream, then applies F to the returned list of consumed tokens, and returns the result and the remainder of the input stream.

Note: this combinator will signal failure if the input stream is empty.

(bind* F P) => MATCHER

The same as bind, but will signal success if the input stream is empty.

(rebind F G P) => MATCHER

Given a rule P and procedures F and G, returns a matcher that first applies F to the input stream, then applies P to the resulting stream, then applies G to the resulting list of consumed elements and returns the result along with the remainder of the input stream.

Note: this combinator will signal failure if the input stream is empty.

(rebind* F G P) => MATCHER

The same as rebind, but will signal success if the input stream is empty.

(drop P) => MATCHER

Given a rule P, returns a matcher that always returns an empty list of consumed tokens when P succeeds.

Lexer procedure


lex takes a pattern and a string, turns the string into a list of streams (containing one stream), applies the pattern, and returns the first possible match. Argument ERROR is a single-argument procedure called when the pattern does not match anything.


A pattern to match floating point numbers

;;  A pattern to match floating point numbers. 
;;  "-"?(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)|(\\.[0-9]+))([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? 

(define numpat
  (let* ((digit        (range #\0 #\9))
	 (digits       (pos digit))
	 (fraction     (seq (char #\.) digits))
	 (significand  (bar (seq digits (opt fraction)) fraction))
	 (exp          (seq (set "eE") (seq (opt (set "+-")) digits)))
	 (sign         (opt (char #\-))))
    (seq sign (seq significand (opt exp)))))
 (define (err s)
  (print "lexical error on stream: " s)

 (lex numpat err "-123.45e-6")

A pattern to match floating point numbers and construct user-defined lexer state

(define (collect cs) 
  (let loop ((cs cs) (ax (list)))
    (cond ((null? cs)         `(,(list->string ax)))
	  ((atom? (car cs))   (loop (cdr cs) (cons (car cs) ax)))
	  (else               (cons (list->string ax) cs)))))

(define (make-exp x)
  (or (and (pair? x) 
	   (let ((x1 (collect x)))
	     (list `(exp . ,x1)))) x))

(define (make-significand x)
  (or (and (pair? x) 
	   (let ((x1 (collect x)))
	     (cons `(significand ,(car x1)) (cdr x1)))) x))

(define (make-sign x)
  (or (and (pair? x) 
	   (let ((x1 (collect x)))
	     (cons `(sign ,(car x1)) (cdr x1)))) x))

(define (check s) (lambda (s1) (if (null? s1) (err s) s1)))

(define bnumpat 
  (let* ((digit        (range #\0 #\9))
	 (digits       (star digit))
	 (fraction     (seq (char #\.) digits))
	 (significand  (bar (seq digits (opt fraction)) fraction))
	 (exp          (seq (set "eE") (seq (opt (set "+-")) digits)))
	 (sign         (opt (char #\-)) )
	 (pat          (seq (bind make-sign sign) 
			    (seq (bind make-significand significand)
				 (bind make-exp (opt exp))))))

(define (num-parser s) (car (lex bnumpat err s)))

(num-parser "-123.45e-6")

Version History

  • 8.2 Removed yasos dependency [thanks to Noel Cragg]
  • 8.1 Ported to CHICKEN 5 and yasos collections interface
  • 7.1 Bug fix in bind* [thanks to Peter Bex]
  • 7.0 Added bind* and rebind* variants of bind and rebind [thanks to Peter Bex]
  • 6.1-6.2 Corrected behavior of the tok combinator so that the failure continuation is invoked upon end-of-input [thanks to Chris Salch]
  • 6.0 Using utf8 for char operations
  • 5.2 Ensure test script returns proper exit status
  • 5.0-5.1 Added error continuation to the matcher interface and eliminated multiple stream matching
  • 4.0 Implemented typeclass interface for abstracting over input sequences
  • 3.8 Added procedure star* (greedy Kleene closure matching)
  • 3.6 Added procedure redo [thanks to Christian Kellermann]
  • 3.5 Bug fixes in bind [reported by Peter Bex]
  • 3.3 Bug fixes in stream comparison
  • 3.2 Improved input stream comparison procedures
  • 3.1 Added rebind combinator and stream-unfold procedure
  • 3.0 Added an extension mechanism for input streams of different types (to be elaborated and documented in subsequent versions).
  • 2.6 Added bind and drop combinators
  • 2.5 The seq combinator checks whether the first parser in the sequence has failed
  • 2.4 Added (require-library srfi-1); using lset<= instead of equal? in star
  • 2.3 Bug fix in procedure range; added procedure cps-table
  • 2.2 Bug fix in procedure star
  • 2.1 Added procedure lst
  • 2.0 Core procedures rewritten in continuation-passing style
  • 1.5 Using (require-extension srfi-1)
  • 1.4 Ported to Chicken 4
  • 1.2 Added procedures try and tok (supersedes pred)
  • 1.0 Initial release


Based on the SML lexer generator by Thant Tessman.

Copyright 2009-2021 Ivan Raikov.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A full copy of the GPL license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.