
This repository contains the main part of the code developed for my Master thesis at the TU Delft, entitled "Preliminary Propulsion System Sizing Methods for PEM Fuel Cell Aircraft"

Primary LanguagePython

Preliminary Propulsion System Sizing Methods for PEM Fuel Cell Aircraft - MSc thesis

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This repository contains the main part of the code that I developed for my Master thesis at the TU Delft in 2020/21.

For the required Python packages, see requirements.txt (or requirements_gui.txt, if you also want to use the GUI, which is however not done yet, and only experimental).

The basic way to use the models is shown in main.py. The function size_system sizes a fuel cell system for an aircraft. There is also a GUI that you can use (experimental!).

For the methodology applied in the models used in the code please take a look at chapter 3 of my thesis report: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.34701.72165. The report also contains an introduction into FC aircraft and a summary of the results that were obtained. The directory old contains some old scripts that I used to generate the results shown in my thesis. For the exact version of the code at the moment of my defence see https://github.com/danieljuschus/pemfc-aircraft-sizing/releases/tag/v1.0.

The models contained in the code are not being further developed in this repository. But if anyone finds a bug, feel free to open an issue and I will take a look at it. Any recent commits have just been due to me playing around with the GUI.

To cite this, please use: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.34701.72165. Note that this technically refers to https://github.com/danieljuschus/pemfc-aircraft-sizing/releases/tag/v1.0, and not the current state of the repository.