
IRIS-HEP / AGC Demo day 24.02.2023

oshadura opened this issue · 6 comments

Preliminary draft:

  • Coffea-casa with working cephfs
  • Distributed xcache with redirector at coffea-casa
  • ServiceX working with CMS IAM token
  • distributed RDF on coffea-casa
  • scaling ServiceX


Further ideas from brainstorming (trying to keep items in priority order):


  • Generate token with appropriate write scopes from IAM.
  • Coffea-Casa working with CephFS integrated (implies UID integration, maybe even integrated with the Condor clients).
  • Read/write from EOSCMS
  • Dependency manager (demo delayed from December)
  • Demonstrate deployment of Coffea-Casa on minikube.

OpenData Facility:

  • CERNBox integration (may not be possible due to very old version of XRootD at CERNBox side -- progress will be limited by the CERN side).


  • ServiceX client uses IAM token to authentication; no separate authorization step from inside Coffea-Casa. Config file is auto-generated.
  • Dashboard available from within JupyterHub.
  • More robust uproot transformer (writing out multiple columns, etc).

We should have ServiceX with multiple code generator backends

Multi-user simultaneous scale tests at various facilities

Data management with Iceberg: "TTree friend" functionality

  • More robust uproot transformer (writing out multiple columns, etc).

I'm a bit confused here; could you explain what this means, @bbockelm? Writing multiple columns is already standard for the Uproot transformer.

Closing this as the demo day is done. Recordings are attached to the agenda and can be found at The next demo day will be integrated into the AGC workshop

Not sure about the "multiple columns" point, perhaps it refers to the handling of multiple trees in the input dataset instead?