
Sass Watcher not working

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Sass watcher not working.
If I trying to run from command palette, then will throw error:
Command 'DartSass: Sass Watch' resulted in an error (Running the contributed command: 'dartsass.watchDir' failed.)

But compile current file still working.

Can you please share which operating system is this running on ? ( Linux, other *nix, mac or windows )

Also - what is the sassBinPath property value that is running ? Anything you see in the plugin logs ?

Hi @akkumar , thanks for reply
I used vscode in MacOS,

sassBinPath = /usr/local/bin/sass

The error I think is not regards to sassBinPath, because "Compile Current File" is just working.
Only Sass watcher not working.

I can't get this function working too. :/