
No SASS error message shown in VS Code.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When the .scss files contain an error, the VS Code Plugin only shows the return status code (e.g. Process exited with code: 65) instead of showing the detailed error message like shown when running sass --error-css option switched on. This behaviour doesn´t change with dartsass.debug option false or true either.

Would it be possible to always show the error message in the VS Code console so we can fix it right in the editor wihtout the need to open a terminal and check whats going on?

This seems like a crazy error so let me debug the same.

Couple of questions for me to understan / reproduce this better:

  1. Is the sassbinPath property set when you were using this ?
  2. Is it because you were "watching" a directory and changing files in that directory ?

// My Dart Sass configuartion settings used in VSCode:
"dartsass.debug": false,
"dartsass.sassBinPath": "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sass\sass.js",
"dartsass.targetDirectory": "css",
"dartsass.disableMinifiedFileGeneration": false,
"dartsass.disableSourceMap": true,
"dartsass.disableAutoPrefixer": false,
"dartsass.autoPrefixBrowsersList": ["> 1%", "last 2 versions"]

Error happens when an error occurs in one of the SASS files. In this case I need to run SASS from the commandline so I am able to detect whats wrong.

This seems like a regression but at least I am unable to reproduce the same in the recent releases.