
.css did not launch correctly. pid is null / undefined - undefined

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I'm trying to get the DartJS Sass Compiler to work in VSCode on the current Mac OS bnut when it tries to compile I get an error message and no css file is generated:
DEBUG: About to compile current file: /Users/<myname>/Projects/<projectname>/client/src/stylesheet/mystyles.scss WARN: Run: Cwd: /Users/<myname>/Projects/<projectname>. Exec: node_modules/.bin/sass client/src/stylesheet/mystyles.scss:client/src/stylesheet/mystyles.css did not launch correctly. pid is null / undefined - undefined

Sass Bin Path is set to node_modules/.bin/sass, but if I look in the .bin folder there is no sass item there.

Any support to resolve this would be much appreciated.

Many thanks, Mark

Sass Bin Path is set to node_modules/.bin/sass, but if I look in the .bin folder there is no sass item there.

So - if you are going to set SassBinPath - then you may to install sass binary - either globally or locally yourself.

Check - for more details. Whatever applies for Linux - should apply for MacOS as well .

That solved it. Thanks for the support, much appreciated.