
targetdirectory: Relative Directory to Current File

Opened this issue · 4 comments

My SCSS directory tree (example):

  • assets/
    • css/
    • scss/

Is there a way to make the watcher put compiled css in css folder ( relative file_path instead relative to project folder ) ?
I don't think I can use directory relative to file_path, because only relative to project root is available.

Sorry - at this moment - targetDirectory applies only relative to projectRoot.

The interpretation becomes more hazy if targetDirectory changes for every file depending on the location.

Can you specify assets\css as targetDirectory and would that help your case though ?

@akkumar Yes, but if I work with multiple environment (eg. html and php app), this will need manual replace.
But really big thanks if this will available in the future.

Sure would be nice to be able to specify relative output path to the current file

We have this exact same requirement!