Update plugin for iRODS 4.2.8+
Closed this issue · 3 comments
d-w-moore commented
Port NetCDF api, microservices, and icommands ultimately to function under current 4-2-stable and master.
- get working with iRODS server 4.2.8 (done cmake config builds and tests pass on Centos 7, Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 18)
- make PR of this current work (@trel, may need to make a new 4-2-stable branch for this repository)
- get it compiling w/ tip 4-2-stable and cherry pick to the existing master branch.
trel commented
we'll create 4-2-stable from what we determine is the release of
from there, work for will be on 4-2-stable and work towards will be on master.
d-w-moore commented
I should make the pull request should go to the current master?
Can do tomorrow, just need to fix up one issue yet. The NetCDF icommands are not working due to boost not being linked in preoperly... and they need to be a part of the testing too.
trel commented
yes - only master branch until we have a release