
Feedback and Thanks!

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I've been tinkering with MeteorJS sporadically for two years now and never quite figured out how routes work. Be it never giving Meteor enough time before giving up or the "uncanny valley" of software development. Regardless it just never "clicked".

It wasn't until this last weekend while reading through a Rails book and discovering iron-cli that I finally got it and built my first prototype with working routes. It feels immensely powerful and feel really good about it.

Iron-cli gives me a sane dev environment with good project structure, powerful generators and boilerplate code, something that MeteorJS lacks IMO. I can generate a route, template and scaffold and know how it all fits together now.

For that, although Github Issues are no place for a note like this - I still wanted to say thank you! I'd buy you a beer (or a case of beer) if a donate link was available.
