
Templates are broken empty <body> in client HTML

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have had this problem since updating a day ago. No templates work I have tried my code and the microscope git code only the head has anything in it the body is empty on client. I would go back to a older version but I was dumb and tried deleting and reinstalling meteor so I can't please fix this Thanks
I just closed it because it randomly stopped but it randomly just started aging.

The issue has reoccurred. This is all the information I have is I test on firefox and chromium same results. This time microscope works but I have no idea why my app is having this problem the changes that might have made it work when it started working aging, were removing and adding iron:router. I had done the same thing at least a dozen times before in the same and varying conditions to no successes. I added code after it started working it stopped working. Removing changes to code made no difference it still would not show up on client even throw 2 hours before it worked with the same code. thanks in advanced.

Hi noah, can you post a link to a cloneable github reproduction. That way I can run and debug. Please remove all dependencies except this one and show the minimum set of things to demonstrate the problem. Include any special instructions. Thanks!

On Aug 31, 2014, at 3:10 PM, noah wrote:

I have had this problem since updating a day ago. No templates work I have tried my code and the microscope git code only the

has anything in it the body is empty on client. I would go back to a older version but I was dumb and tried deleting and reinstalling meteor so I can't please fix this Thanks

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Im working on a project in meteor. runs fine in chrome but when i open it in firefox, the only thing in the body are the default meteor script. no other elements appear. this same project (without any code changes) has run on firefox a couple of days ago. now no project (including the defaul project made by meteor) can be viewed. would love some help