
yield regions do not work if no main region is yielded

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I woked out this simple case for showcasing the problem

    h4 region1
    +yield 'region1'
    h4 main
    // without the main yield  no region is rendered at all

    h4 region2
    +yield 'region2'
    +Layout template='dynamic_template' data=something
        +contentFor 'region1'
            |content of region 1
        +contentFor 'region2'}}
            |content of region 2
  • without the main yield (+yield) neither +yield 'region1' nor +yield 'region1' are rendered
    • Any call to hasRegion 'region1' helper returns false in this case.
  • putting +yield back in renders all three correctly.

Should dynamic templates with only named regions (=without a main region) be supported ?

EDIT : rephrasing made clear in which case hasregion is not supported

Bump: Could you acknowledge this, or tell me if the report is unclear/mistaken

does someone still maintain this package ?