
Hash paths forced when using Appcache

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Line 30 on, overriding default even with

    useHashPaths: false

Is this intended behaviour? This was not the case before IR 1.0. I'd like to not use hash paths (/#/blah) and use normal routes (/blah) together with Appcache.

Hi @fungilation ,

Here's the justification:!topic/meteor-core/bUTOXugc5qE

I agree that you should be able to override it if you want though.

Ya I found that afterwards. The bug isn't of concern to me though as an app with or without cordova, I don't have an use case to back up correctly in browser history. Like you said, this should default to useHashPaths: true but configurable. The way useHashPaths is forced to not be configurable under this circumstance is also not obvious or documented.