This is a simple script to add users in bulk to a WebEx Teams Team.
Note that this is for a Team not an individual Space.
Clone (or download):
git clone
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you need your personal token, please visit the WebEx Teams Developer docs while logged in to copy your Personal Access Token.
usage: [-h] -i IDENTITY_TOKEN -t TEAM -f FILE [-r ROOMS] [-a] [-m]
Add bulk users to WebEx Teams Team.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The token (or other valid token) to connect to the WebEx Teams API. This should be a moderator in the target Team.
Your personal token can be found here:
-t TEAM, --team TEAM The Team Name users should be added to.
-f FILE, --file FILE File that contains one user email per line.
-r ROOMS, --rooms ROOMS
Specify room names that given users should be added to. Should be a quote-wrapped, semicolon-separated list of room names.
-a, --all-rooms Add the users to all the existing Team rooms. Ignored if '-r' flag is used.
Note that the [
and ]
are placeholders and not required when typing in your actual arguments.
This will add all users to the Team. Users will automatically join the default Team room and no others.
./bulk-add -i [access-token] -t [team-to-add-to] -f [file-of-users]
This will add all users to the Team as moderators. Users will automatically join the default Team room and no others.
./bulk-add -i [access-token] -t [team-to-add-to] -f [file-of-users] -m
This will add users to the Team and all Rooms inside of it.
./bulk-add -i [access-token] -t [team-to-add-to] -f [file-of-users] -a
This will add users to the Team and any rooms that match the provided rooms. List should be enclosed in quotation marks and semicolon-separated.
./bulk-add -i [access-token] -t [team-to-add-to] -f [file-of-users] -r "Room 1; Room 2; Room 3"
$ ./ -t "Test Team" -f ./users.txt -r "Room 1; Room 2; Room 3" -i OWY2NWZmYjUtZmVlZS00NTM5LWFkODgtMWExNzY3NTAyOWY3MGU3NTU1MjEtMGY0_PF84_1727291e-ec55-497f-a686-f7742acfa91f
> Connected to API as Test User
> Loaded 20 total users..
> Finding Team details for Test Team
> 20 user(s) will be added the to the Test Team Team in following rooms:
-- Room 1
-- Room 2
-- Room 3
> Note:
If you want to add users to ALL rooms, use the '-a' flag.
If you want to add users to specific rooms, use the '-r' flag.
Users are always added to the Team's default room. This happens automatically upon joining the Team.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N) y
> Added to Team!
> Adding to room Room 1..
> Adding to room Room 2..
> Adding to room Room 3..
<output snipped>
> Added to room Room 1..
> Added to room Room 2..
> Added to room Room 3..
Licensed under the MIT License.