
Make it work with numpad asterisk

nkmathew opened this issue · 8 comments

Make it work with numpad asterisk

I am unable to reproduce the error.

I have started Vim without any plugins and verified that numpad asterix does in deed work correctly and again with vim-stim the numpad asterix key on my keyboard works as it should.

If you want me to look into it any further, you will have to provide more information.

I will leave the issue open until then, but if I don't hear from you within a couple of days I will close the issue.

Shift+8 highlights the word but doesn't move the cursor as desired
numpad * highlights and moves the cursor to the next match like the default asterisk does

Again. I cannot reproduce this. The two keys produce different keycodes, yet they both trigger star command as defined in vim-stim. I've tried on both Vim 7.4.1-884 and NeoVim.

Can you please provide more information about what is actually causing the trouble?

I'm not even sure what's going on. I tried it with this custom vimrc and still has the problem:

set nocompatible
set noswapfile
colorscheme desert

set rtp+=~/.vim/
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

call vundle#begin("~/.vim/bundle")
Plugin 'ironhouzi/vim-stim'
call vundle#end()


Behaviour(first with shift+8 then with the asterisk in the numpad):


Did you manage to reproduce it?

No. I don't have windows though.

Also, I don't really understand why you'd want this feature anyways. Vim is designed to keep your hands on home row and far reaches to the numpad is highly undesired from a normal use case.

What is your use case when you need to use the numpad keys for text editing? I understand that the numpad can be useful for text numerical input, but for editing? I don't get it, so please make me understand why you'd want this.

Well it's easier to peruse through code using the mouse wheel than when in the home row(at least for me) at which time my hands are far from the keyboard. Highlighting a word is easier to do with the numpad asterisk in that case than with shift+8

It's not really that critical anyway, just thought it would be a nice feature to have. Don't lose sleep over of it

Well it's easier to peruse through code using the mouse wheel than when in the home row(at least for me) at which time my hands are far from the keyboard. Highlighting a word is easier to do with the numpad asterisk in that case than with shift+8

It's not really that critical anyway, just thought it would be a nice feature to have. Don't lose sleep over it