Universal Automation is the PowerShell-first automation platform.
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Refresh view when click on Tabs
#150 opened by mkellerman - 0
Updating database info
#151 opened by adamdriscoll - 1
Scheduled Job Parameters
#171 opened by adamdriscoll - 9
- 0
Map Universal Variable with Script Paramter
#173 opened by claudiospizzi - 0
Add Git Configuration to UI
#158 opened by adamdriscoll - 1
Parameter flag as mandatory when its not
#172 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
Ctrl+C doesn't stop UA
#154 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
500 Error when starting UA
#155 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
- 0
git2 DLL not found on Linux / PowerShell 7.0
#169 opened by claudiospizzi - 7
Some jobs don't show in job history
#167 opened by hawkseye76 - 0
Import-UAVariable for Secrets
#166 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
- 0
Get-UAJob sorting does not work
#162 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
Editing a Variable "nulls" the TYPE
#165 opened by leeberg - 4
- 0
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Git: Failed to commit
#161 opened by claudiospizzi - 1
Allow Variables to be SecureString / Credentials
#134 opened by mkellerman - 0
Place the .ua next to the scripts
#160 opened by claudiospizzi - 2
Add PowerShell Version to Schedule
#157 opened by adamdriscoll - 8
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PSCusomObject not working with Pipeline ouput
#159 opened by leeberg - 3
View Jobs for a particular 'Script'
#129 opened by mkellerman - 1
Error Pane for Job
#147 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
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Job Diagnostics
#149 opened by adamdriscoll - 2
Unexpected Write into C:\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\StartupProfileData-NonInteractive
#143 opened by claudiospizzi - 1
Per Script Grooming
#148 opened by adamdriscoll - 1
PowerShell Version Table Issues
#146 opened by leeberg - 1
Pipeline Output - Opening Child Item opens same child item type for all objects on the pipeline output
#145 opened by leeberg - 4
Post Action Scripts
#133 opened by mkellerman - 1
Slack / Discord Channel during Beta testing
#142 opened by mkellerman - 1
Change default behaviour of [ Edit ] button.
#131 opened by mkellerman - 6
Log File C:\Users\adamr\Desktop\log.txt
#137 opened by claudiospizzi - 11
Failed to load Universal Automation. We tried to connect to port 10000 but failed.
#138 opened by mkellerman - 0
UA: Notification Icon is missing in IE
#139 opened by leeberg - 0
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Pipeline output tab has blank rows
#140 opened by leeberg - 1
Show Job StatusDescription
#135 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
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GUI interface change proposal.
#130 opened by mkellerman - 1
Paging not working in Jobs Tab
#128 opened by mkellerman - 0
View last execution status on 'Script' tab.
#132 opened by mkellerman - 1
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UA server stops running
#125 opened by adamdriscoll - 1
Groom job is grooming too aggressively
#126 opened by adamdriscoll - 0
Log viewer for the UI
#124 opened by adamdriscoll