#WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered


WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is a complete foundation for building your WordPress plugins.
The mainly purpose of this boilerplate: choose a library or a snippet and the boilerplate contain already the example for use it without need a manual copy&paste way or look on internet.


###Library integrated

###Snippet included

  • Shortcode example code
  • Dashicon as dependence of admin stylesheet
  • Bubble notification on pending cpts
  • Import/Export settings
  • Custom capabilities with cpts and taxonomy support
  • wp_localize_script for pass PHP var to JS in the frontend
  • Class in frontend body with the slug of plugin
  • Support for your CPTs in At Glance widget/Activity widget in dashboard
  • Support for CMB in the options page
  • Support for email template/theme with language detection
  • Integrated DOM-Based Routing of Roots Template
  • Transient examples with caching
  • Support for Web Push

Do you want to see which plugins have been made with this boilerplate? Check here!
Check the Wiki for other info.

##Shell Script & Tools


  • wp-boilerplate-version.sh (check below)
  • apigen.sh script for generate a docs folder with the documentation
  • .php_cs for PHP-CS-Fixer

Check on the wiki for discover how to use this script!

###Useful resources or code examples

Check on the wiki!

##Recommended Tools

###Generator Tool

The code generator that allows you to choose the libraries you need with many customization.
Link to repo: https://github.com/wpbp/generator


The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is licensed under the GPL v2 or later; however, if you opt to use third-party code that is not compatible with v2, then you may need to switch to using code that is GPL v3 compatible.