
Don't close window on exit

kobzar opened this issue · 4 comments

neovim 7.2
OS: mac OS
shell: fisf/bash/sh
Jaq settings: default

When i run the code by :Jaq i see the results, next i push Esc to close the widow but get error

^N:lua vim.api.nvim_win_close(1005, true)                                                                                                         │
▎   6    │┬─[kobzar@Kobzar:~/D/zerg]─[10:59:16]─[G:main=]                                                                                                   │n
▎   7    │╰─>$ :lua vim.api.nvim_win_close(1005, true)                                                                                                      │
▎   8 mus│fish: Unknown command: 1005,                                                                                                                      │
▎   9 mus│in command substitution                                                                                                                           │
~        │fish: Unknown command                                                                                                                             │
~        │:lua vim.api.nvim_win_close(1005, true)                                                                                                           │
~        │                           ^


By ZZ - window is close.

is0n commented

Could you show me the output of nvim --version?

I'm on v0.7.2 and I don't encounter this issue.

Could you also show me your keymaps? It could also be that <ESC> or <C-\><C-n> have been remapped.

When i try to run :Jaq from command line without keybindings - the same issue.
But, on LunarVim - all working fine

NVIM v0.7.2
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by builduser

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

My keybindings

local keymap = vim.keymap.set
keymap("n", "<leader>rr", ":Jaq<CR>", { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = "Run Code" })

My config

 local status_ok, crun = pcall(require, "jaq-nvim")
if not status_ok then

	-- Commands used with 'Jaq'
	cmds = {
		-- Default UI used (see `Usage` for options)
		default = "float",

		-- Uses external commands such as 'g++' and 'cargo'
		external = {
			typescript = "deno run %",
			javascript = "node %",
			markdown = "glow %",
			python = "python3 %",
			rust = "rustc % && ./$fileBase && rm $fileBase",
			cpp = "g++ % -o $fileBase && ./$fileBase",
			go = "go run %",
			sh = "sh %",

		-- Uses internal commands such as 'source' and 'luafile'
		internal = {
			lua = "luafile %",
			vim = "source %",

	-- UI settings
	ui = {
		-- Auto-save the current file
		-- before executing it
		autosave = true,
		-- Start in insert mode
		startinsert = false,

		-- Switch back to current file
		-- after using Jaq
		wincmd = false,

		-- Floating Window / FTerm settings
		float = {
			-- Floating window border (see ':h nvim_open_win')
			border = "rounded",

			-- Num from `0 - 1` for measurements
			height = 0.8,
			width = 0.8,
			x = 0.5,
			y = 0.5,

			-- Highlight group for floating window/border (see ':h winhl')
			border_hl = "FloatBorder",
			float_hl = "Normal",

			-- Floating Window Transparency (see ':h winblend')
			blend = 0,

		terminal = {
			-- Position of terminal
			position = "bot",

			-- Open the terminal without line numbers
			line_no = false,

			-- Size of terminal
			size = 10,

		toggleterm = {
			-- Position of terminal, one of "vertical" | "horizontal" | "window" | "float"
			position = "horizontal",

			-- Size of terminal
			size = 10,

		quickfix = {
			-- Position of quickfix window
			position = "bot",

			-- Size of quickfix window
			size = 10,
is0n commented

Just pushed a new commit. Did it change anything?

Now all working fine.
Thanks for the quick support.