How to run python module
ok97465 opened this issue · 4 comments
Thank you for your good plugin.
I tried to run the python code as a module as below.
python = "python3 -m $fileBase"
The result of the above command was "python3 -m scripts/ex1",
but the result I wanted was "python3 -m scripts.ex1".
Could you add a variable for python module?
thank you.
Could you open the python file you are trying to run and provide the output of...
:lua print(vim.fn.expand('%:r'))
Could you open the python file you are trying to run and provide the output of...
:lua print(vim.fn.expand('%:r'))
The output is "scripts/ex1". $fileBase (vim.fn.expand('%:r')) is working properly.
But it would be nice if there is an another variable for python module (ex. $moduleName).
The command I used to run the python module in vim is as follows.
python3 -m substitute(substitute(fnamemodify(expand("%:r"), ":~:."), "/", ".", "g"), "\\", ".", "g")
Could you check if the latest commit helps at all?
The new variable should be under the name $moduleName
It is working for me.
Thank you very much.