VimResized Autocommand error
erlonbie opened this issue · 0 comments
erlonbie commented
Hello, I can't track when it start showing this error for me (probably this week), and I don't have to much clue on how to solve it.
This is my Jaq config:
jaq_nvim.setup {
-- Commands used with 'Jaq'
cmds = {
-- Default UI used (see `Usage` for options)
default = "term",
-- Uses external commands such as 'g++' and 'cargo'
external = {
typescript = "deno run %",
javascript = "node %",
-- markdown = "glow %",
python = "python %",
php = "php %",
-- rust = "rustc % && ./$fileBase && rm $fileBase",
rust = "cargo run",
cpp = "g++ % -o $fileBase && ./$fileBase",
c = "gcc % -o $fileBase && ./$fileBase",
go = "go run %",
sh = "sh %",
java = "javac $ && java $fileBase",
-- Uses internal commands such as 'source' and 'luafile'
internal = {
-- lua = "luafile %",
-- vim = "source %",
behavior = {
-- Default type
default = "terminal",
-- Start in insert mode
startinsert = false,
-- Use `wincmd p` on startup
wincmd = false,
-- Auto-save files
autosave = false,
-- UI settings
ui = {
-- Floating Window / FTerm settings
float = {
-- Floating window border (see ':h nvim_open_win')
border = "none",
-- Num from `0 - 1` for measurements
height = 0.8,
width = 0.8,
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
-- Highlight group for floating window/border (see ':h winhl')
border_hl = "FloatBorder",
float_hl = "Normal",
-- Floating Window Transparency (see ':h winblend')
blend = 0,
terminal = {
-- Position of terminal
position = "vert",
-- Open the terminal without line numbers
line_no = false,
-- Size of terminal
size = 60,
Any help is appreciated! Thanks for this awesome plugin, I use it every single day!