
What is the exact formula for the set_dof_position_target command?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

currently facing difficulties while trying to transfer the results obtained using position control in Isaac Sim to a different environment
And I need the formula for the value ultimately calculated in the set_dof_position_target fuction provided by Isaac.

Some posts suggest that it is a general PD control, but the results I calculated are different from this, and causing confusion.

The detailed internal source code of the API is not publicly available, which is why I am posting this topic.
I am looking forward to receiving many responses.

(I posted this issue in nvidia forum but got no response from it...)

These parameters are passed down to the PhysX engine through the GPU APIs (, but you probably want to look more closely at the articulation documentation here:

You will find the CPU solver source code in here:

thanks for the information! I'll check it out.