
Gist comments and mentions don't trigger notifications

max-mapper opened this issue ยท 371 comments

this used to work.

to reproduce:

  • make a gist
  • have someone leave a command or @ mention you
  • you won't receive any emails
luk- commented


I asked support about this, and on May 31st they said:

Notifications for gist comments isn't implemented now, but it's something the team has discussed, so this could change in the future. We'll definitely announce this on our blog if it gets pushed out.

๐Ÿ‘ it is soooooooo infuriating, it is a common occurrence where I discover a very important comment or even a job offer that is a year old or so on a gist

If anyone has any 3rd party solutions to this, then do please post!

And, according to this gist, this is a fairly popular feature request/bug fix. What is the point of having comments if the developer of the gist will not hear them (short of manually monitoring the page)? After all, we cannot use existing tools for change detection, partially because the page always changes ("Created NNN days ago") and partially because robots.txt blocks monitoring of gists.



๐Ÿ‘ - very annoying


X4 commented

I really need it too, but don't immediately send the notification and don't include the message in the notification!
Every edit should increase the notification by 15minutes.

@X4 that sounds like i might be a separate issue request that's great in its own right..? re: delaying notifications using some known criteria.

Would it be cool to open another issue on that?

X4 commented

@patcon hmm, I believe that it's not required, because the changes would be both very simple and results in extending the function responsible for writing a notification flag that makes the notification icon on the top left shine. I assume GitHub uses some kind of asynchronous message passing system, so delaying a notification due to an edit under 15min would just require an update of the timestamp in the message queue.
For efficiency reasons, I would not set it to a fixed time of 15minutes, but let it be larger, when required, so that more queued items can be updated at once. This would result in less updates.

Sorry, wasn't saying it wasn't simple, but just that it's not what the OP was asking about, and that it would definitely be useful for other things (as opposed to just gist comments) :)




For the interim, I made a script that send me emails about new comments left on my gists and I made it available at


๐Ÿ‘ โ€” it would be great!






@jookyboi could you perhaps please bring a comments listing and comments notifications into gistbox?

Oh man. Just discovered an important comment from 5 months ago on one of my gists. Hope they don't think I'm an asshole for not replying. Was never notified :/

Please help us not look like assholes :)




+1 (I actually missed @fthomas comments on my gist, see above)

I was just bit by this. Please fix ๐Ÿ‘

dlo commented

I could've sworn that this used to work and thought I was crazy, but given the amount of activity on this post it seems I'm not the only one who misses this. @github please bring Gist email notifications back!




mgol commented

๐Ÿ‘ SO infuriating.

yes please, now, or sooner, thanks!


I filed this issue a while back as well. +1

๐Ÿ‘ so needed, so obvious



This is an absurd situation: a 'social' medium that doesn't let you know when someone is responding to you.






+1 +1 +1


GitHub just updated the Gist design/theme โ€ฆ Unfortunately, after having tested @ replies and comments with co-worker, it looks like those type of notifications were not included in the new feature set. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Maybe I'm overlooking something?

Confirmed - still not working. I suggest everyone send a message to support

Polite message sent requesting to know if/where the feature is in their backlog, and explaining how useful notifications would be, and what the negative impact is on collaboration without them.


Where can I contribute code to make this happen?

+1 @cdillon you mean send a patch to GitHub? Should not be possible since closed source.

I received a response to my message thanking me for my input, but (not surprisingly) not giving any indication of whether this is a priority at all.




I wonder how many ๐Ÿ‘ it is going to take before this gets fixed :-(

They said they would fix it as soon as it reached a million ๐Ÿ‘ ;)



@rosenfeld I hope someone is keeping a count going then! :-)

I'm wondering if anyone read Isaacs's announcement before commenting here.

I've just e-mailed to remind them about this feature request and asked them if they could update the status for it here if possible. Let's wait for their status then...

They just replied:

"Thanks for the feedback. If we do add notifications for Gist, we'll be sure to announce it on but we can't say if or when we may add a feature."

Looks like a standard reply, I got the exact same thing after I emailed earlier this morning.

Yes, I know, just to let others know about it.

At least GitHub allows us to add comments to gists and fork them :) GitLab snippets do not support comments or forking for instance as far as I can tell you looking at their interface. And Gitorious does't even seem to provide any feature similar to gists... Does anyone here know some great site to allow us to provide public code snippets with support for comments, forking and notifications?

Snipt seems to be interesting as it doesn't require another account for those sharing their comments as it uses Disqus for the comments:

I'll try to remember using it for my next snippet. It supports 145 languages, including those I'm interested in: Ruby, CoffeeScript, JavaScript.

And I just found their source is hosted on GitHub: :)




d13r commented

+1 - Not that I expect it to help at all :)




Left a comment to rot for 12 days. Better than 5 months, at least!


rey commented


