
An GUI- Application by python. which can make an file according to today's date and takes entry through tkinter's entry widget and formats and writes in that file and saves it.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Diary Writer

This is a simple diary writing application built with Python and the tkinter library. The user can write diary entries in a specific format and save them to a text file.

Modules Used


  • User-friendly interface with a label displaying the current date
  • Entry field with a default message that can be edited by the user
  • Information label providing instructions to the user
  • Save button to save the user's entries to a text file with the current date
  • Confirmation prompt to prevent accidental overwriting of previous entries
  • Finish button to exit the program


  • Clone this repository
  • Install Python (version 3.7 or higher) and tkinter
  • Run python diary_writer.py from the command line to launch the application


  • Launch the application by running python diary_writer.py from the command line
  • Edit the default message in the entry field to write your own diary entry
  • Click the "Save now" button to save your entry to a text file with the current date
  • Use the "Finish?" button to exit the program

Future Work

  • Add an option to view previous diary entries
  • Improve the confirmation prompt to include the file name of the previous entry
  • Allow the user to customize the diary format and file name