websocket.close fails when client's underlying session is removed from session storage
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dwkd commented
I am trying to have the server broadcast to a channel but before that, close all websockets of users who's web portal session has timed out.
I have the following steps:
- Client logs in to application
- a cf session is created in my session storage database cf_session_data
- Client opens a WS to a registered Channel, handshake is successful
- Server broadcasts a message
- Client receives message successfully
- I delete the session row from the cf_session_data (simulating a logout ... it's typical for lucee5 to remove the row on logout)
- Server attempts to broadcast a new message, with the following steps:
1. Looping through WebsocketsConnectionManager.getChannel( channelId).getSubscribers()
2. Grabbing the web portal CFID from each subscriber's websocket.CFID (I create this property onOpen the first time they connect)
3. Verify if cf_session_data contains any sessions with that CFID
4. perform websocket.close()
5. Server throws an uncatchable 500 error
6. My workaround is to perform a websocket.unsubscribeAll() and after that a websocket.setMaxIdleTimeout(1). Both of these methods seem to still work, but it's a pretty janky workaround as it simply times out the socket. (On a sidenote here setMaxIdleTimeout is not implemented correctly. The argument should be milliseconds but they are actually seconds, as the 1 in this case is not immediate but actually takes 1 second to close the socket. I tried putting 5 and counted to 5 and lo and behold, again, behaves like seconds not milliseconds)