RPKM66 Backend


  • golang
  • gRPC

Getting Start

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • golang 1.20 or later
  • docker
  • makefile


  1. Clone the project from RPKM66 Backend
  2. Import project
  3. Copy config.example.toml in config and paste it in the same location then remove .example from its name.
  4. Download dependencies by go mod download


  1. Run go test -v -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile coverage.out -covermode count ./... or make test


  1. Run docker-compose up -d or make compose-up
  2. Run go run ./. or make server

Compile proto file

  1. Run make proto

Create Seed File

  1. Create seeder file in src/database/seeds
  2. Name seed func in pattern <Name>Seed<Timestamp>
    • ex UserSeed1652002196085 RoleSeed1651703066048


  • Run go run ./. seed or make seed (Seed all files)
  • Run go run ./. seed <name> (Seed specific file)