factor bug in predAge
Closed this issue · 3 comments
perishky commented
The predAge() function uses coefs$CpGmarker to index the methylation matrix. The indexing isn't working as expected because for some clocks coefs$CpGmarker is a factor, not a character.
dpelegri commented
Hi perishky,
We have reviewed the clocks and all coefs$CpGmarker
are character. We have not been able to reproduce the error, are you using it with other clocks? could you send us an example ?
perishky commented
I encountered the problem with Lee's GA clocks.
dpelegri commented
Hi perishky,
I have checked Lee's GA clock and coefs$CpGmarker data types is "character". I have found a bug related to the parameter min.perc
(minimum percentage of CpGs required) in this clock. On the other had, I have added a control to take into account the factor data type