Error adjusting for cell counts in DNAmAge()
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I have encountered an error while attempting to use DNAmAge()
to obtain DNAmAge, AgeAcDiff, IEAA, and EEAA from a methylation dataset.
I'm running the code below:
cell.count.reference = "blood gse167998",
The error I receive is:
Error in DNAmAge(Beta, clocks = c("Horvath"), toBetas = FALSE, cell.count = TRUE, :
cell counts cannot be estimated since
meffilEstimateCellCountsFromBetas function is giving an error.
Probably your data do not have any of the required CpGs for that
reference panel.
In addition: Warning message:
In knnimp(x, k, maxmiss = rowmax, maxp = maxp) :
40589 rows with more than 50 % entries missing;
mean imputation used for these rows
The error appears to indicate that I do not have the appropriate CpGs for "blood gse167998."
However, I know that my beta matrix contains the CpGs in Salas et al. 2022 because I used the FlowSorted.BloodExtended.EPIC dataset to perform leukocyte deconvolution on this dataset.
This also happens when I try to use other reference sets, e.g., Salas' "blood idoloptimized epic."
I took a look at the meffilEstimateCellCountsFromBetas
function within DNAmAge()
using trace("DNAmAge", edit=T)
. I thought maybe this error was thrown because meffilEstimateCellCountsFromBetas()
is now meffil.estimate.cell.counts.from.betas()
I updated the name of the meffil
function in DNAmAge()
. Unfortunately, the same error occurred.
Will you please assist me in figuring out why this is happening?
Also, am I able to provide my own cell type estimates?
Thank you very much!