
Add option to sort guesses by guess order & similarity

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Id like to have an option to view my progress while guessing.
For example to see the greatest breakthroughs, when I was stuck the most etc.

I suggest to add a progress button named "התקדמות".
The button will present the guesses as following:
It will present guesses in the order you guessed them, but! It will only present the guesses which got closer to the secret word.

For example the secret word is "צרידות"
And I guessed:

  1. בננה 26.64
  2. חולי 55.6
  3. תפוח 23.6
  4. סמוראי 16.81
  5. צרידות 100
    So it will present the following words in the following order
  6. בננה 26.64
  7. חולי 55.6
  8. צרידות 100
    In that way one can understand his progress and breakthroughs.