
Question about your code

LawrenceHan opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @ishkawa,

I've been reading your outstanding project, and I have 2 question about your code.
Could you please answer below questions if it's convenience.

In Session.swift Line:105, I've noticed you use a return, I don't understand what's the purpose of that. Could you explain?

open func cancelRequests<Request: APIKit.Request>(with requestType: Request.Type, passingTest test: @escaping (Request) -> Bool = { _ in true }) {
        adapter.getTasks { [weak self] tasks in
            return tasks
                .filter { task in
                    if let request = self?.requestForTask(task) as Request? {
                        return test(request)
                    } else {
                        return false
                .forEach { $0.cancel() }

In URLSessionAdapter.swift Line:44, I've noticed you use a { $0 }, is it necessary to map it?

open func getTasks(with handler: @escaping ([SessionTask]) -> Void) {
    urlSession.getTasksWithCompletionHandler { dataTasks, uploadTasks, downloadTasks in
        let allTasks = dataTasks as [URLSessionTask]
            + uploadTasks as [URLSessionTask]
            + downloadTasks as [URLSessionTask]

        handler( { $0 })

Thank you in advance.

Looks like both are unnecessary 🙃 Thank you for letting us know.