
Question about @errorify

qcoumes opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm not sure to understand what @errorify does, is it an alternative to HTTPExceptions.BASE_EXCEPTION.register_default_view(view) ?


def default_view_403(_):
    return HttpResponse("I'm the 403 default view")



equivalent ?

They are not, but yes you are right, the example I gave and the name of the function doesn't exactly make sense, sorry. It actually just changes the status of a view's response, and locks the view to only that response status code.

I'll try to give a better example than what's in the readme.

For instance you want to close down the /downloads/ section

class Downloads(TemplateView):
    # template = 'downloads.html'
    template = 'under_maintenance.html'

I hope it makes sense now. I'm really bad at giving examples.

Thanks for the explanation ! That last example wast perfect.