
Partial fourier representation

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When I convert a siements .dat file to ismrmrd format, I get the following values in xml_pre.xml


I could not find a mapping value for ucPhasePartialFourier=16 in IsmrmrdParameterMap_Siemens.xsl.

<xsl:variable name="partialFourierPhase">
            <xsl:when test="siemens/MEAS/sKSpace/ucPhasePartialFourier = 1">0.5</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="siemens/MEAS/sKSpace/ucPhasePartialFourier = 2">0.625</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="siemens/MEAS/sKSpace/ucPhasePartialFourier = 4">0.75</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="siemens/MEAS/sKSpace/ucPhasePartialFourier = 8">0.875</xsl:when>

I would like to know whether this data treated as partial fourier or fully sampled ?
In the generated ISMRMRD .h5 file, I could see only 270 acquistions and encodedSpace.matrixSize.y is 320.

Thanks all!

This is being treated as fully sampled. Not sure if that is correct for your sequence. But as you can see it maps to 1.0