
nyc reports dont generate when adding nyc config

MadnezGirl opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello! I can't get nyc reports when I add nyc config via nyc.config.js or .nycrc or just pasted it into package.json

Coverage file /path/.nyc_output/out.json cannot be found. Skip coverage report

My nyc config in package.json:
"nyc": { "exclude": [".testNameFolder"] }

[!!!] But when I delete the nyc configuration, then delete the project build folders and reinstall the packages, then I can get nyc reports in .nyc_output folder.

I use:

  • nyc 15.1.0
  • @cypress/code-coverage 3.12.11 and also tried using 3.10.3
  • cypress 12.17.3
  • node 18.12.0
  • typescript 5.3.3
  • The project uses React 18.2.0, .babelrc.json and builds with webpack 5.89.0

Can you tell me why, after adding the nyc config, I can’t receive reports, although everything works without the config? I connect everything correctly, according to the instructions.