
Unable to access the grafana dashboard.

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I hava followed this guide to expose nodeport of grafana

Visualizing metrics with Grafana
Like Zipkin and Prometheus, Istio enables Grafana with a service type of ClusterIP. Run the following commands to expose a service type of NodePort for access to Grafana from an external environment:

kubectl expose service istio-grafana --type=NodePort \
    --name=istio-grafana-svc --namespace istio-system
export GRAFANA_URL=$(kubectl get po -l app=grafana -n \
    istio-system -o 'jsonpath={.items[0].status.hostIP}'):$(kubectl get svc \
    istio-grafana-svc -n istio-system -o \
echo http://${GRAFANA_URL}/

You can now access http://${GRAFANA_URL}/ from your browser to view the Grafana web page.


I can get data from promethus
but unable to access the grafana dashboard.

