
Mixer adapter and templates contributor ecosystem repository

Opened this issue · 5 comments

We need to give adapter developers a place (repository) to publish their adapters. Apigee is asking and very soon we will have svccltr and more.

I can drive this if no one has already started work on this.

@douglas-reid @mandarjog @geeknoid @ZackButcher

We also need a similar story for template ecosystem.

@guptasu please hold on this. there is a repository refactor going on. that refactor will determine all of the details for where the repository should live.

What is the goal here? I'm not certain that expecting vendors to use a central repo for adapters is reasonable.

The goal is to make it easy for Istio users (operators who want to use non built-in infrastructure backend via their adapters) to discover adapters for different infrastructure backends.

Hopefully something similar to