
PWG.org web site code

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PWG Web Site

This repository contains the PWG web site code, core web pages, and resource files.

Directory/File Organization

The web site repository is generally organized by workgroup or topic:

  • 3d: 3D Printing information
  • blog: Blog articles, usually announcements or summaries of meetings.
  • chair: PWG officers page and other general PWG information.
  • cloud: Information about the (inactive) Cloud Imaging Model workgroup.
  • dynamo: The PHP site code - mainly a templating engine with some management functions thrown in.
  • ids: Information about the Imaging Device Security workgroup.
  • ipp: Information about the Internet Printing Protocol workgroup.
  • pwg-logos: Logo images for member companies.
  • sm: Information about the (inactive) Semantic Model workgroup.
  • wims: Information about the (inactive) Workgroup for Imaging Management Services.

The index.html and standards.html files are placeholders for the corresponding PHP files in the dynamo directory. All other HTML files get the standard site template applied to them, while other files are passed to the web browser as-is.

Changes pushed to the dynamo directory are updated on the web site. Changes to other directories will not appear on the PWG web site since they are currently hosted by the FTP server from the pub/pwg/www directory.


The web site uses Apache, PHP, and a SQL database (currently MariaDB). Configuration files that can be used for testing can be found in the dynamo/config directory.

The site.cfg.tmpl file is the template for the site configuration. Copy this file to site.cfg and edit as needed for your local setup.

An Apache 2.4.x configuration template is called pwg-apache.conf. You'll need mod_actions, mod_php, and mod_ssl enabled on your server.

PHP support requires a couple tweaks to the default php.ini file, which are listed in the pwg-php.ini file.

The SQL table definitions and sample data are in pwg.sql, selfcert.sql, and test.sql. The loadtest.sh script can be used to setup the proper database for testing.