
Errata can't be filed against Informational Documents

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I logged into the PWG website to try to file an erratum against 5199.10. But I found that the "Informational Documents" section under "Our Work" doesn't provide a "Report Issue" button. I then tried to go to "Review Issues" and "Create Issue", but the Informational Documents aren't listed as a possible choice.

Update the website to support reporting issues with PWG Informational Documents.

@wifiprintguy First we need to decide whether we will continue to use this web site or switch to a Jekyll-based site (like what exists at and just use the Github issue tracker for document errata.

The reason why the informational documents weren't in the database was because they weren't numbered. We might be able to support it for some of the documents now, but we have more than the 5199.x documents on the informational page.