mobile support ?
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Just loaded the test website in a S4 and the demo does not work. Reloaded the demo page a couple of times and cleared the cache. Is this for desktop only?
Nope, it should work in mobile exactly in the same way as desktop.
@monolux Which version android is on the S4 and also the browser type/version as well (Ie. kitkat v4.4.4 & "Internet" )
@antoniotajuelo I found it working on my note 2 & 3 with kitkat 4.4.4 with Chrome 48.0.254
This is an issue with some mobile browsers. More info here:
Actually that may work, I will give it a try:
Android version 4.4.2 and mobile Chrome version 48.0.2564.95 ; GT-I9505 Build/KOT49H
And confirming: Just tested this again right now on the demo page. Navbar appears fixed on top and does neither hide or show, i.e. when I am at bottom of page and scroll up.