
Improving the documentation

mohammadamint opened this issue · 1 comments

mario documentation needs some improvements both in terms of structure of the documentation and content. Regarding the content, a more comprehensive background for input-output modeling is needed, and the examples needs to be improved to cover the hidden capabilities of mario.

List of examples to be added:

  1. one example per parser:
  • Exiobases:

  • - hybrid (Lore)

  • - monetary (Lore)

  • EORA (Lore)

  • FIGARO (Amin)

  • EUROSTAT (Amin)

  • Custom Parsers: excel, txt, pd.DataFrames (Lore)

  • pymrio (Amin)

  1. Standard operations:
  • aggregation (Nico)
  • add sector (Lore)
  • backward-forward linkages (Nico)
  • matrix calculation (Nico)
  • saving models (xlsx,txt, to_pymrio) (Amin)
  • shock function (Amin)
  1. Fancy functions:
  • isard_to_chennery (Lore)
  • sut_to_iot (Lore)
  • settings (Amin)
  • add_extensions (Lore)
  1. bonus (model gallery)

  2. change the DOI to our paper (and add description on how to cite) (Amin)

  3. add mario logo to the top and bring others down (Amin)

  4. Collaboration guidline (Amin)

  5. Social media (Amin)